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No. G.16.chandra Flats, H-block.phase -ii.rajaram 4thh Cross Street,Gnamurthi Nagar Extension Via Patravakam Railway Station, Ambattur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600053, India

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Phone : +91-044-35005677

E-mail : saiyasikabiochem61@gmail.com

M/s. Sai Yasika Biochem

Ayurvedic Medicines

Buy a premium array of Ayurvedic Medicines at cost effective prices, from us. We are entrusted with a task of manufacturing, exporting and supplying pure and effective Medicines from Tamil Nadu, India. The entire lot is precisely formulated and packed under the stern guidance of professionals thus; high quality and purity remain intact. In addition to this, we provide these Medicines in premium material for safe and secure deliveries.

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